Free Firewall Community

Suggestion - Main Menu view setting should be global and not reset when the user clicks between different areas. Forum

Last modification : 20.05.2020 Suggestion - Main Menu view setting should be global and not reset when the user clicks between different areas.  
Version: 2.5.4

When the user clicks to expand the left menu to make it wider, the menu correctly re-adjusts and the text gets a little larger. When the user clicks on a different area, the left menu reverts back to the default icon view. The program should set the viewing choice globally (either all-icon-view or all-wide-view) for all areas until the user decides to change it. Optionally, just make the icons as big as the FreeFirewall logo and the text to match and remove the ability to expand or collapse. In the wide mode, the text is marginally bigger while the icons look approximately the same size.
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Dear user of Free Firewall,

thank you for your feedback.
Its a bug and will be fixed.

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