Free Firewall Community

How to handle "Unknown" items in popup alerts Forum

Last modification : 23.09.2019 How to handle "Unknown" items in popup alerts  
Bruce Fraser
Thanks for the fantastic firewall software!
I"ve just upgraded from the version 1 to the version 2.
Under "Applications" and "Services" I"ve set all of them to "Allow all."
But when I restart the computer, I am confronted with a FreeFirewall popup asking whether to allow or prohibit 75 items. All of them are "Unknown" -- so I have no idea what they are about, whether they are internet requests from legitimate software or crypto miners or even worse.
The "descriptions" are spectacularly unhelpful in determining what they are about. Here"s an typical example:
Unknown [319535953]
Internet access:
Address [fe80::3e90:66ff:fec1:d6d8] - Port 443
Doing on online search for those character strings turn up nothing helpful.
Thanks for your guidance.

Bruce Fraser

OS: Windows 10, update 1903
Computer: HP Compaq dc 7800
Yes, I read the software manual. There is nothing in there about how to deal with "unknown" items.
Bruce Fraser
More than a week, and no response on this forum. No reply either to a request sent to Support.
I"ve uninstalled Evorim Free Firewall, and am now using Zone Alarm"s free firewall. It"s working perfectly, with no perplexing questions about mysterious softwares.
Evorim Support
Dear FreeFirewall user,

we are checking this. You will get a response soon. Thank you for your patience.

Best regards,
Evorim Support
Karl G
Same thing.

I have installed this Free firewall, looks great, but I don"t know how to deal with these "Unknown" items! What are they? No much info about it on Google.

So far, I have denied access to these "Unknown" items. Hope that it does not create any issues with my computer...

Some follow up or explanation would be great!


Same here. All the time bugging me for dozens of IP addresses at port 137, 138 with stating the application is "Unknown".

I"d like to have an option to e.g. allow/deny port 137 for ALL ADRESSES in the Zones tab. And also e.g. all ports for a specific address. Wildcard "*" seems to not work at all. Leaving the field empty also not. I"m still bugged with similar queries.

Searching for "free firewall wildcard" gives 0 related results in Google.

Another wish: showing all active connections: app + adresses + ports.

I gave it a chance but... uninstalling after 20 minutes. Not usable for me.
Karl G
So far, this is what I"ve been able to find:

Some of the "Unknown" applications accessing addresses such as or, are referred to as "in private non-routable range or in a reserved range..." by some sites such as SpeedGuide .net.

Also, check out " IP Address Explained" by lifewire .com.

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